Happy Hands Deaf Seniors

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graphic of the Happy Hands Deaf Seniors logo

About this Resource

graphic of the Happy Hands Deaf Seniors logo

Happy Hands is a group of seniors who use ASL and meet monthly for social activities and workshops.

In 1976, Reuben Altizer originated the idea of a club for deaf/hard of hearing seniors. He and his wife, Hilda, were charter members.

The first meeting was held at the Wilson Library under the auspices of Fairfax County. The name “Happy Hands Club” was selected by the group. The club moved to Arlington County in 1977, meeting in the old Hanna Hall and later at the Cherrydale Senior Center. Since 1994, the club meets at NVRC.

Today, Happy Hands and NVRC have a special relationship and work together to provide happy experiences for the seniors of Northern Virginia.

For more information, contact Don Ames, Chair, at dames@cox.net, or visit the Happy Hands page at https://nvrc.org/happy-hands/

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*Featured Image attribution: graphic logo provided by organization

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