Charles Sterling, dark haired young man with a blue blazer and white shirt

Charles Sterling


Charles R Sterling was born in Indiana USA, in 1983. He attended Kendall Elementary School in Washington, DC 1986-1990 then he was transferred to Montgomery County Public School in MD for 1st to 7th grade 1990-1997. Desiring the opportunity to play sports and experience dormitory life, Charles decided to enter Maryland School for the Deaf [MSD] for high school education 1997-2001.Graduating from MSD in 2001, Charles applied and entered Rochester Institute of Technology [RIT] to pursue a bachelor’s in business. Charles completed a bachelor’s in business management in 2005 Then he took a break to work and ponder for the next plan. Heeding advice from someone about pursuing a graduate degree, Charles decided to enter RIT again for MBA in Finance in 2006 and completed the MBA in 2007. During Charles’ time at RIT, Charles was involved with NTID Student Government as vice president, senator, and president. He was involved with Brickfest Committee for ’03, ‘05, and ’07 for event planning.
In 2007, Charles met Joshua Beal in RIT and Joshua invited Charles to join Schwarz Financial Services. Charles found that Schwarz Financial Services is the place for his future, he joined Schwarz Financial Services in January 2008. During Charles’s time at Schwarz Financial Services, he received his investment licenses, tax preparation certification, financial planning training, and specialization in non-profit organization. Louis Schwarz, the founder, taught decades of his knowledge to Charles. In 2016, Louis officially retired from SFS and passed the responsibility of SFS to Charles. Joshua assumed the ownership of DeafTax, a spun off business from SFS to focus on non-investment services such as tax preparation.
From 2009 to now, Charles has been performing the tasks of bookkeeper, tax preparer, investment advisor, financial planner, business consultant, nonprofit organization consultant, treasurer for several nonprofit organizations, and accountant. Charles has prepared and reviewed over 10,000 tax returns since 2009. Charles learned over the years the successes, failures, and efficient practices for nonprofit organizations. Charles manages about 11m in assets for investment clients. He provided advice on business structures to many clients and acquired knowledge over time on proper business operations for different kinds of industries.
Currently, Charles lives in Fairfax County, Virginia USA with a deaf wife and 2 deaf sons.